We appreciate your Donations
A new life for your old books!
Donating to Household Books is an easy way to support, and we thank you for thinking of us. We handle all book or bookcase donations on an individual basis.
Please email us at - donations@householdbooks.org
Pickups and Purchases
If your donation is larger in volume we can come to you and pick it up! Just email our donation email (above) and we can give your donation individual attention. We also, on occasion, do purchase book collections and can begin that process through email as well. We will buy individual volumes and collections very specifically, so feel free to reach out and ask questions.
Globe-Wernicke and Cincinnati History
Here at Household we have a special fondness for this piece of Cincinnati's bookish history. We will accept any and all donations, anecdotal memories, and ephemera related to the Globe-Wernicke furniture company or any particularly bookish piece of Cincinnati history. Beyond fascination, the reason for this is simple, Cincinnati, from our incredibly vital and storied Library system, to our bookstores come and gone, to our manufacturing and publishing history, contains a wealth of contributions to the culture of the book, and they are worth remembering, reframing, and honoring. If you want to help us do that in any way, shoot us a line.